Tourelle avec petit coinceur

Réf. RF6


Swivel cleat bases permit easy cleating and releasing from any angle.
Click to view RF6 Cleat Base Instruction Manual Load ratings are for the cleat base assembly and are based on a 120° change in line direction


Ball bearings support the cleat arm.
An integral stop prevents over rotation, but can be removed to allow full 360° rotation.
The cleating angle can be set in one of two positions - use the included riser kit for a higher cleating angle.
A switchable ratchet in the base allows the cleat arm to remain in its most recently used position.
The ratchet can be turned off for free swivelling.
Includes small C-Cleat™ cam cleat and fairlead, suitable for line sizes 2-8mm (3/31 - 5/15") dia.


Suits traditional shackle head blocks and Dyneema® link head Orbit Blocks™. Mainsheet systems on dinghies to 4.5m (15ft)

Informations techniques

  • Charge de travail (kg) 250
  • Charge de rupture (kg) 125
  • Poids (g) 210


Charge de travail indiquée pour une application nautique.

Charge Maximale d'Utilisation (CMU) : uniquement pour les applications industrielles comme le levage.
Le facteur de sécurité choisi est de 5 par rapport à la charge de rupture.
CMU = Charge de rupture / 5